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Precautions for installing cement pipe machinery

Source:Shandong Hanshen Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.      Release date: 2023-04-17
During the work period of production personnel, management personnel entering the production site must wear safety equipment in accordance with the "Safety Regulations", and cement pipe machinery should be neatly dressed.
During the work period of production personnel, management personnel entering the production site must wear safety equipment in accordance with the "Safety Regulations", and cement pipe machinery should be neatly dressed. Before starting work, check the cement pipe making machine. If there are no problems, the equipment can be started and tested in the order of equipment operation for two minutes; If any abnormalities are found, immediately report to the class leader for timely handling.
In the event of a malfunction, the power supply should be cut off first, the fuse removed, and a warning sign "Do not open when someone is working" hung on the switch box. At the same time, the team leader should be reported and the maintenance personnel should be notified to carry out emergency repairs. During the operation of the pipe making machine, maintenance and lubricating oil (grease) filling are not allowed. If abnormal operation is found, the inspection should be stopped immediately and it is strictly prohibited to operate the equipment with defects. During the operation of the cement pipe making machine, it is not allowed to stop at will. If a parking accident occurs, the unloading door should be opened immediately and the material should be unloaded as much as possible to prevent concrete from setting. It is strictly prohibited to use blunt tools to strike the hopper, mixing drum, etc. During operation, do not let sand, gravel, and other debris fall into the operating components of the mixer, to avoid damage to the components caused by jamming of the operating components. The materials adhering to the bottom of the hopper should be cleaned in a timely manner to avoid affecting the activation of the hopper door. It is strictly prohibited for management and production personnel of the cement pipe making machine to violate labor discipline during normal work, such as drinking excessively, changing positions, sleeping on duty, playing, and chasing and playing; During work, non production personnel are not allowed to enter the production site. The next feeding can only be carried out after the mixer cylinder is discharged and the discharge door is closed. When lifting the hopper, it is strictly prohibited for personnel to stand or stay in the operating area of the hopper.
No debris is allowed to be placed inside the power control box, and the environment of the electrical control box should be kept clean, complete, reliable, and safe. After each shift, the power should be cut off and cleaned in a timely manner to remove concrete attachments from the cement pipe making machine, and the work of "cleaning the site after work" should be done well. The editor will share the content of this issue here first. If you have any questions or want to learn more information, please leave a message to the editor. We will see you in the next issue.
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