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Introduction to the Interface Forms of Cement Pipe Making Machine

Source:Shandong Hanshen Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.      Release date: 2023-04-17
A person who knows why they live can tolerate any kind of life. Today, the editor will take you to understand the interface forms of cement pipe making machines?
A person who knows why they live can tolerate any kind of life. Today, the editor will take you to understand the interface forms of cement pipe making machines?

1. Flat ended pipe is an early form of interface used by cement pipe making machines to produce cement pipes. It has low manufacturing difficulty, high production efficiency, and low manufacturing cost, but its sealing effect and seismic performance are poor. Therefore, this interface method used by cement pipe making machines is becoming less and less common.

2. The socket type interface adopts a rubber ring sealing water stop, which is a flexible connection. The insertion depth of the door is 80-100 Inln, and the relative angle of the interface is 1.5 ". The cement pipe made by this type of interface has good seismic performance and fast installation speed, but it is not suitable to use socket type doors for large diameter cement pipes.
3. The flexible groove interface form is mainly suitable for cement pipes with a diameter ≥ dl200. This interface form is also a flexible connection, and the cement pipe machine has the advantages of a socket type interface. It is also suitable for large-diameter pipes, making the pipe body in good contact with the foundation and evenly bearing the load, making it safer to use.
Every day without dancing is a betrayal of life. That's all for the introduction of cement pipe making machines above. We will continue to organize more related content for you. Stay tuned.
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