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The role of maintenance work for cement pipe making machines in production

Source:Shandong Hanshen Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.      Release date: 2023-04-17
As an important building material equipment, cement pipe making machines have the characteristic of high processing efficiency in producing various types of cement pipes.

As an important building material equipment, cement pipe making machines have the characteristic of high processing efficiency in producing various types of cement pipes. Therefore, in production activities, it is necessary to have specific personnel management for equipment maintenance, timely repair of equipment faults during operation, and maintain the cement pipe making equipment in a good operating state. For the raw materials used in cement pipe making machines, they need to be filtered and screened by the equipment before entering the production process to avoid damage to the equipment caused by the addition of hard foreign objects in the raw materials. So it is necessary to manage the use of raw materials well. For the parts that need lubrication in the cement pipe making machine, lubrication work should be done well. In winter, it is necessary to prepare the cement pipe making machine for antifreeze, use antifreeze oil, and ensure that the equipment can start normally at low temperatures.

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