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Welcome to XX Bearing Technology Co., Ltd
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  • Vertical cement pipe mold
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Vertical cement pipe mold

Cement pipe molds. Our factory has many years of experience in the production of cement pipe molds, strictly in accordance with the national standard GB/T11836-2009, and has produced concrete and reinforced concrete water transmission and drainage pipe molds in the form of flat mouth,

  • Vertical cement pipe mold

Cement pipe molds. Our factory has many years of experience in the production of cement pipe molds, strictly in accordance with the national standard GB/T11836-2009, and has produced concrete and reinforced concrete water transmission and drainage pipe molds in the form of flat mouth, socket, double socket, steel socket, tongue and groove, etc. The cement pipe molds produced by our factory have reasonable design, advanced manufacturing technology, convenient disassembly, safety and reliability, and are suitable for various water transmission and drainage projects.

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