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Welcome to XX Bearing Technology Co., Ltd
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  • Cement well tube centrifuge
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Cement well tube centrifuge

The cement well tube centrifuge is one of the main equipment for producing reinforced concrete well tubes. The unit adopts a box structure, consisting of supporting rollers and bearing seats. The supporting rollers are processed from cast steel parts, and are driven by a stepless speed control motor. The control device has a wide speed range, good bearing sealing, convenient maintenance, simple op

  • Cement well tube centrifuge

The cement well tube centrifuge is one of the main equipment for producing reinforced concrete well tubes. The unit adopts a box structure, consisting of supporting rollers and bearing seats. The supporting rollers are processed from cast steel parts, and are driven by a stepless speed control motor. The control device has a wide speed range, good bearing sealing, convenient maintenance, simple operation, and safety and reliability.

The centrifuge is composed of a base, supporting rollers, bearing seats, motors, control cabinets, and drive shafts, and the overall performance must meet the following requirements:
The normal service life of the centrifuge before the first major overhaul should not be less than 10000h.
2. The noise of the centrifuge during idle operation shall not exceed the noise value of its supporting motor.
The angle range between the center of the centrifuge support wheel and the center of the steel mold running wheel is 75-110 °, and it is recommended to install a mold anti flying installation device.
4. The centrifuge should have a speed time program control function, with a speed error of ± 5%
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